5 Iranian diplomats sought asylum in European countries in protest against the crackdown on protesters on the results of recent elections, according to a report on Sunday 10/1/2010.
On the other hand authorities have arrested more than 30 mothers of victims of the demonstrations, while organizing a protest in Laleh Park in Tehran.
On the other hand, threatened to guide the Iranian revolution, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, leaders of the Reformation and the arrest and trial in the progressive tone prevails Iran since the day of Ashura demonstrations in 27 of the last month.
Khamenei said to a visitor from the religious city of Qom that the mass public demonstrations that have taken place (and the functioning of conservatives after the day of Ashura), is a complete argument for all, stressing the security forces to take firm action with the protesters on the election results.
He added: "We have the three officials saw what the people want (which was called cries of the execution of leaders of the Reformation), so they work well their responsibilities towards the spoilers and rioters," as he put it.
"The arrogant powers and currents of anti-religion, which launches today slogans against the regime and the revolution in foggy conditions are the same as sedition, which lined up long years under the banner of anti-forward and the revolution, that the public بادراکها In fact, this indicator recorded مشارکتها critical in the maintenance of the system."
The number of demonstrators killed in clashes between security forces and supporters of reform, including the son of sister of the reformist leader, Mir Hossein Moussavi, the day of Ashura, in Mazhard are the most violent since protests that took place following the presidential elections, which reformists say it was "rigged" in favor of re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which was conducted June 12 (June).
Iran plans to the trial of five detainees in protests the day of Ashura for banditry, and says they were members of the MKO, but Moussaoui denies that the organization that he said had become "dead", ie a role in the protests against the election results.
Observers say Khamenei's remarks against the leaders of the Reformation, relieve President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who calls constantly circle the arrest of Moussaoui and Mahdi and Mohammad Khatami, and restored the West accused of inciting post-election unrest Masmaha. He said Iran would respond strongly in each place to put obstacles in the West before it.
In the same regard, the Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said the leaders of the reform, he says, "Investigations of detainees in connection with demonstrations on Ashura, confirmed that protests against the election results, which erupted last June was just a pretext to overthrow the regime and change it."
But the commander of the Basij, Mohammad Reza cash did not like what Vincent described as "lax" security services and the judiciary with the protesters, and threatened to punish the leaders of the reform if these devices failed to do so.
Reformers say the threat of "cash" is sure to override the law, and that "the Basij," has had a prominent role in the suppression of the protests with excessive force, and abuse directly to the leaders of the Reformation, as happened recently with the Mehdi Karroubi incident an assassination attempt.
In a related context, carried the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, the Iranian authorities responsible for maintaining the life of Karroubi, and expressed deep concern at the attempt to assassinate him last Thursday.
Said Hadi, making him the Coordinator International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said in a statement sent Revolutionary Guards and the Basij of him, were involved in the assassination attempt in the Caspian to delude the public that members of the people carried out the assassination attempt, adding that the attempt Karroubi is an introduction to physically liquidated later and held the authorities responsible for Maitard a reformist leader.
The news agency "Zham News" of the Karubi confirmed that he had been an assassination attempt Thursday with a shot at his vehicle when he was in the northern city of Qazvin, west of where he was attacked Cleanse Karrubi on his way to the house of the President of election campaign in the Caspian have been exposed to fire his car hit a bullet-proof but did not hurt.
Karrubi stressed that the assassination attempt would not be deterred from continuing in the opposition and claim the rights of the people that were taken after the presidential election, said during a visit home reformist camp Baghi he began to move without bodyguards, suggesting that they may be involved in a series Aaatdaouat against them, in particular, and they belong to the police headquarters. Karroubi announced that he would not be deterred and will continue to function to the people and their legitimate rights to the last drop of blood.
And arrests continued in the ranks of the Reformers, especially active in the campaign, the reformist leader, Mir-Hossein Mousavi, authorities arrested Pole lawmaker Muslim hand of God.
The sources said that Islamic reform is also the managing editor of "Open" reform stopped, detained during its doctors for the eyes and taken to an unknown destination and reformist activist arrested Moussaoui, the electoral campaign "satisfaction Razzaghi" and others.
In a striking development for a newspaper called on reformers to accept Khamenei Khamenei hub to resolve the internal crisis. The newspaper said "ye Eslami" of the guide, Ali Khamenei, the internal crisis that threatens to dismantle the bonds of the Iranian society and the collapse of the system, and editorials published in today's proposals to resolve the crisis, said it based its way around the central guide Ali Khamenei, the country and called on the opposition to accept it although it is difficult and requires any the courage and selflessness.
"The Islamic Republican" close to the President of the Council of Experts, Hashemi Rafsanjani, has received an ultimatum from the ministry for publishing the text of the initiative, the reformist leader, Mir Hussein Moussavi of Reconciliation, said today that within the system and the trend held Balstalp Alamntq not understand the strengths and constantly hit the drums of war and warned that the crisis rocking Aldakhalit within the family, and that conflicts today are within the family between father and children and the rest of individuals.
In the meantime, Mohamed Al Hashemi Rafsanjani, Chairman of the Board Director of the Office experts and the Chairman of the Expediency Council Hashemi Rafsanjani, confirmed the existence of an old scenario Masmah works by the conservatives, Rafsanjani, and to delete him out completely from the system.
Said Mohammad Hashemi, who is also a member of the Expediency Council Senyario This has serious repercussions on the system because Rafsanjani is the first curtain to defend the Islamic Republic.